Le Louvre, Paris

Enhancing Visitor Experience with VR at the Louvre Museum

My Role

Timeline + Deliverables

Key Methods


The Louvre Museum faced challenges in engaging visitors with in-depth information about art pieces and exhibits. Traditional placards and guided tours often failed to provide a comprehensive and interactive experience, limiting visitors’ ability to fully appreciate the historical and cultural context of the artworks.


We developed an VR-enhanced iPad application placed at the entrance of each gallery room. This app allows visitors to explore detailed information about the artworks, artists, and historical context through an interactive and immersive experience. The design focused on intuitive navigation, rich media content, and AR features to bring the art to life.


Revamp the visitor experience at the Louvre by leveraging VR technology to provide an immersive and interactive exploration of art pieces and gallery rooms. The goal is to enhance educational value, engagement, and accessibility through a user-friendly iPad application.

Key Metrics

  • Visitor Engagement: Track interaction duration and frequency with the VR app.
  • Information Retention: Measure visitors’ recall and understanding of art pieces.
  • User Satisfaction: Collect feedback on the app’s usability and educational value.
  • AR Interaction Quality: Ensure smooth and intuitive AR experiences.

Research and Comparative Analysis

To ensure our design was both modern and competitive, we conducted extensive research and a comparative analysis of current trends in UI/UX design for dashboards. Our research involved:

Competitive Analysis:

Analyzed leading IT dashboards to identify best practices and innovative design solutions for dark mode interfaces.

Trend Analysis:

Focused on modern UI/UX trends such as minimalist design, dark mode, and micro-interactions to create a contemporary look and feel.

User Preferences:

Gathered user preferences through surveys and feedback, focusing on preferred design elements and features for dark mode interfaces.

Design System

Established a design system that included:

Color Theory

A carefully selected palette to match the brand and smooth on dark mode. 

Fonts and Typography

  • Font Type: Lexend
  • Font Size: Ranging from 37px to 12px
  • Font Weight: Including Bold, Medium and Light

Auto Layout

Enabled dynamic resizing of components, ensuring that elements adapted smoothly to different sizes and states.

Layout Grid:

  • Count: 13
  • Width: 72
  • Offset: 292
  • Gutter:  24


Standardized spacing units (8px, 16px, 24px) to create a harmonious and balanced design.

Library Components

Designed a comprehensive library of reusable components, ensuring consistency and ease of maintenance. Key components included:


A consistent icons’ set was used to match the overall aesthetic, improving clarity and user understanding.

Buttons and Inputs:

Standardized buttons and input fields with defined states (default, hover, active) using Figma’s variants.

Dashboard Cards:

Customizable cards for displaying key performance indicators (KPIs), featuring auto layout to adapt to various data types and sizes.


Customizable Logo Sizes + Label


Used components technique to create smooth animation and transition in my final prototypes. 

Interactive Elements:

Interactive features like tooltips and hover effects were added to provide additional data insights. These features enhanced the user experience by making data exploration more intuitive.



Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Development Collaboration

Figma Dev Mode:

Component Annotations:


Preview Prototype


Next Steps