
Redesigning FinTech Pro’s Branding and Responsive Landing Page.

My Role


Key Methods


  • Cluttered Interfaces: Overloaded with information, making it hard for users to find what they need.
  • Unclear Value Propositions: Failing to effectively communicate the benefits of the service.
  • Poor Navigation:Complicated navigation structures leading to a frustrating user experience.
  • Low Conversion Rates: Inefficient CTAs and engagement strategies resulting in fewer sign-ups.


  • Simplified Interface: A streamlined layout with a clear visual hierarchy to make information easily accessible.
  • Compelling Value Proposition: Clear and concise messaging to convey the benefits of using Clean.
  • Optimized Navigation: Intuitive navigation structure to enhance user experience.
  • Effective CTAs: Strategically placed CTAs to guide users towards signing up.


The objective was to redesign both the branding and the responsive landing page for “FinTech Pro,” a SaaS platform for financial management. The focus was on maximizing user engagement, enhancing brand awareness, and increasing subscriber conversion rates. This case study outlines my design process, the decisions made, and how I applied various UX/UI principles and frameworks to achieve these goals.

Key Metrics

  • Conversion Rate: Aim for a 20% increase in subscriber sign-ups.
  • Bounce Rate: Reduce to below 30% by improving the first impression.
  • Average Session Duration: Target 2 minutes per session to indicate user engagement.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) on CTAs: Aim for a 15% CTR on primary CTAs.
  • Responsive Design Performance: Ensure a seamless experience with 95% of users reporting satisfaction across devices.

AIDA Framework

The AIDA model was employed to structure the landing page content effectively:
  • Attention: Capturing attention with a bold value statement.
  • Interest: Engaging users with compelling information about the platform.
  • Desire: Creating a desire to subscribe by showcasing user success stories.
  • Attention: Prompting users to subscribe with clear CTAs.

Information Architecture

  • Organizing Content Hierarchically: Ensuring a logical flow of information. 
  • Prioritizing Key Sections: Following the AIDA framework.
  • Ensuring Seamless Navigation: Enhancing user experience.

Site Map:

Design System

Trend Analysis:

Focused on modern UI/UX trends such as minimalist design, dark mode, and micro-interactions to create a contemporary look and feel.

User Preferences:

Gathered user preferences through surveys and feedback, focusing on preferred design elements and features for dark mode interfaces.

Established a design system that included:

Color Theory

A carefully selected palette to match the brand and smooth on dark mode. 

Fonts and Typography

  • Font Type: DM Sans
  • Font Size: Ranging from 38px to 13px
  • Font Weight: Including Bold, Medium and Light

Auto Layout

Enabled dynamic resizing of components, ensuring that elements adapted smoothly to different sizes and states.

Layout Grid:

  • Count: 12
  • Margin: 45
  • Width: Auto
  • Gutter:  20


Standardized spacing units (8px, 16px, 24px) to create a harmonious and balanced design.

Design Break Down

Hero Section

  • Objective: Capture attention with a compelling value statement and CTA.
  • Features: Bold headline, subheading, prominent “Get Started” button and an attractive visual glance of the product. 
  • Visual elements: Add visual effects on the background to make the page even more attractive for visitors.

Features and How it Works Section

  • Objectives:
    • Explain the platform’s functionality. 
    • Highlight key features and benefits.
  • Design:
    • Sub header
    • Set of clients’ Logo organized in a horizontal strip.  
    • Medium-Large snapshot of the product.

Testimonials Section

  • Objectives: Build trust with user success stories.
  • Design:
    • Small Cards
    • User photos, company name, role and quotes.

Subscription Plans Section

  • Objectives: Drive conversions with clear subscription options.
  • Design:
    • Two vertically shaped Cards.
    • Two plans with detailed benefits.

Footer Section

  • Objectives: Address common questions and reduce friction.
  • Design: Accordion style for easy navigation. common questions and reduce friction.
  • Iteration Focus:  Comprehensive yet concise answers.

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

Library Components

Designed a comprehensive library of reusable components, ensuring consistency and ease of maintenance. Key components included:


A consistent icons’ set was used to match the overall aesthetic, improving clarity and user understanding.

Buttons and Inputs:

Standardized buttons and input fields with defined states (default, hover, active) using Figma’s variants.

Customizable Testimonial cards 


Customizable Logo Sizes + Label


Used components technique to create smooth animation and transition in my final prototypes. 

Interactive Elements:

Interactive features like tooltips and hover effects were added to provide additional data insights. These features enhanced the user experience by making data exploration more intuitive.

High Fidelity Wireframes



Development Collaboration

Figma Dev Mode:

Component Annotations:


High-Fidelity Prototype


Layout Grid:

  • Columns Count: 4
  • Margin: 25
  • Width: Auto
  • Gutter:  20
  • Type: Stretch


Expected Impact

Learnings from the Project

Next Steps